A Long Day


Evening everyone,

It's been a really long day today. I did my 9 hour shift at work and then had to go and pick up Isla-Rose from my mums. Cerys goes to ballet class on a Wednesday so she is already there by the time I finish work. Once I get Isla-Rose I have to rush home to make dinner for myself and Mark as he runs a boxing club on a Monday and Wednesday night. 

I only eat half of my dinner and then realise I'm late to pick up Cerys from her dance class so I quickly rush down to get her. Mark and I end up like passing ships because as we come in the door from dance class, Mark has to run out to boxing. We only have the one car between us at the moment, which can be a real pain at times but as we really cannot afford another one just now we just have to make do with splitting it between us. This seems to be life for us right now, running around like headless chickens, constantly chasing our tails but then doesn't every family?

Tonight I'm on my own to sort the girls out. Isla-Rose was overtired so she was grumpy and cranky and then I realised I still had a huge pile of washing to fold and put away, I rushed to get that away before putting her to bed. The place looks a tip and I begin to get frustrated. I still have the dishes from dinner to wash and I need to put fresh linen on the bed.

By the time 9pm comes I am absolutely exhausted and can't even think of starting my uni work. These are the nights that it's really hard to get a good balance and I struggle to get my head in the game and focus as I'm so tired and feel guilty that I haven't managed to spend much time with Cerys before she also goes to bed. 

Once Cerys was in bed I decide the best thing to do is to run a bubble bath and put some candles on to try and relax and clear my head. It's not often I get to do this but my body feels all sore and tired tonight that it is a must! Aahh this is bliss, it really is soooo good I could lie here all night..............Unfortunately I only have 20minutes before I need to get out and do some reading for class tomorrow. Boooo! This student life really isn't all it's cracked up to be, lol!

See you all soon
Emma xxxx

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