Granny Daycare
So, I couldn't do a blog about being a mum at university without mentioning the people that have played an integral part of my journey. I really could not do everything I do without two very special people; my Mum and Mark's Mum, yip it's the grannies! We really are blessed to have mums who have good health and are able to watch our girls for us.
My mum and her girls xxxx |
I would never have been able to do this journey through university if it wasn't for them, it has meant we don't need to pay for childcare and I know my kids are happy when having granny time.
I salute all you parents who need to pay for child care, it's awful that some people can't work because childcare is more money than their earnings are! Isla-Rose was 2 weeks when I went back to uni and these two very special people stood up to the plate and looked after wee bubs for 3 days a week, sometimes more when I had to study at home.
Mark's Mum and wee bubs xxxx |
I understand many people don't have the luxury that we have of having two available family members to watch their children and this can be the make it or break it decision for parents thinking of returning to study or even going to work full time. Being at uni, it isn't just the time spent physically at uni, but it's the time required to study out with.
Each module you take at uni states 200 hours of self study is required over a 12 week period, out with your days in university, that's 16.5hours a week per module. Now, you have 3 modules a term so that works out at around 49hours per week for study alone, then there is the physical time you are in uni and of course any part time work you may have, which for me is an additional 17hours. You're really talking in excess of 72 hours per week! And of course not getting paid for any of it! Breaking it down like this has given me the realisation of the effort that is required throughout the time at uni and the time that is spent away from my girls.
This is why my super sitters are so very special to us, I would never have been able to do this journey without them, especially then falling pregnant during my studies. It was a full family decision that had to be made about whether I could return or not. Luckily they were happy to do this and I've been fortunate to be able to carry on my studies.
I really do think all universities should have childcare facilities though, it's not fair that some people could be held back as they don't have the access to babysitters or affordable childcare.
Emma xxxx