Shape Up!
I want to get back to this, I want a toned tummy again! This picture was taken nearly 3 years ago, pre baby number 2. I was coming to the end of my first year at uni and life felt like a breeze (even though I remember thinking it was soooo stressful, oh how wrong I was!!)
I remember being able to come home early from uni and fit a run in before picking Cerys up from school, or when Cerys was at her clubs at night time I'd get a run in then. Back then I also had the motivation to do work outs in the house when I couldn't get out running.
10 months after the above picture was taken I fell pregnant with my wee bubs and my body has never felt the same since. I know this is normal and it can take a long time to get back in shape but I'm missing having the time to even try. Now it's rushing home from uni to pick up Isla-Rose and cram in some studying before making dinner, taking and picking Cerys up from dance class, putting Isla-Rose to bed and then cramming in some more studying.
The night before I had Isla-Rose |
Me when I was pregnant (excuse the face!!) |
After having Isla-Rose, I lost my baby weight pretty quickly which was great and to be honest the weight thing has never been a major issue for me. The issue has always been the toning and shaping that all my exercise done for me.
Since I started my final year especially, I just have not had a minute to even think about a training regime, but I can feel my baby pouch that I had lost, creeping back slowly but surely (thank god for tights in the winter) and my usual jeans are just becoming that wee bit too snug around the butt and thigh area! I've heard ALOT of people can put on weight when they enter their final year at uni because there is simply no time to do anything
I know for a lot of people it isn't important, and it is waaay down the priority list for me at the moment, but not only did exercising make me feel great physically, I felt mentally more prepared and focused. I really am missing this side. And no matter how many times you hear "aww you look great!", I still know where all my extra squishy bits are and which bits jiggle a lot more than they should!
I know now I'll probably never get back to the shape I was in in the top picture but I'm looking forward to graduating and summer coming so that I can get into a routine before I start working full time and it all goes upside down again!
Emma xxxx