Where does the time go?!
Ok, I know I've already posted today but I've just been browsing through Facebook and the "You have memories" section popped up. This was the status that I had posted four years ago to the exact date!
I honestly cannot believe where the last 4 years have went and can't believe I'm now at the very end of my university journey. Reading this status has made me feel both proud and sad; proud because I can't believe how far I have come in these 4 years but also sad because it really does feel like the end of an era.
I don't often like these Facebook memory posts as most of the time I've found myself saying "why did I ever post that?!?!" but this one tonight really has hit me hard, wow I really have just blinked and 4 years have passed by me!
Time does go by far too fast, you really do have to cherish every second and make sure every moment is made into a memory!
Emma xxxx
Emma this blog has made me laugh out loud! Totally relate to the work life balance epic battle. Just keep swimming!!! Lee x