Money, Money, Money


R.I.P my little black boots, I'll miss you! Yip the zip has burst and it's finally time to throw these wee faithfuls in the bin! I've probably worn these boots every day, through Autumn and Winter for the past two years! That's the thing with being a student, money can be really tight so I've had to learn to just make do.

We bought a lovely house in 2013 which really is a beautiful family home, but with this house came consequences and we knew for the next 3 years we'd be scraping the barrel for money. There is only really one wage coming in to the house and I do get a SAAS loan which has been a lifesaver at times, but this mixed with my part time wages still isn't much when you are a family of four with a large mortgage and many bills to pay.

Out with paying bills, I have two daughters to feed and clothe and activities can cost an absolute fortune at times. I've mentioned before that Cerys goes to dance class. She attends on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Saturday, so it can be a lot of money at times but I wouldn't take this away from her as its a healthy hobby, she has made great friends and I also think she's pretty damn good at it! Cerys helps me so much with Isla-Rose aswell so she is definitely worth it!

I've never really been money orientated, as I grew up with my mum who had not a penny to her name but I have always been adamant that I'd try my hardest to provide a comfortable life for any children I had. 

Money through my time at uni has been tough and Mark and I often go without to make sure our girls have what they want but I am looking forward to earning a bit of money when I graduate so I can finally spoil myself! 

Emma xxxx

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